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Iraqi Business Barometer Slide Presentation

Powerpoint Presentation | July 1, 2011 | 24 pages

The study aimed to identify Iraqi business attitudes toward the current business environment, challenges to business development, confidence in government efforts to assist business, and the role of business associations and Chambers of Commerce. It finds that Iraqi businesses are optimistic about the current and future economic environment, and that businesses would like increased financial support and improved basic services but that corruption is the top impediment to growth.

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Iraqi Business Attitudes on the Economy, Government, and Business Organizations

Report | January 1, 2011 | 50 pages

This report, based on a business survey conducted by Charney Research for the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) consisting of 900 interviews among formal and informal businesses in Iraq, discusses Iraqi business views on the economy, government, and business organizations. This survey demonstrates that Iraqi businesses are generally optimistic about their business prospects over the next several years. It is imperative to analyze current obstacles adversely affecting the growth of the business sector in Iraq—corruption, weak infrastructure, lack of regulatory enforcement, and difficulty in obtaining loans—and to assist the business community in communicating their needs to the government.

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